Friday, September 21, 2012

Health Program Update - Cancer Screenings and More!

There have been lots of exciting developments in MWCT's Health Program over the past couple months - these are just a few!  In the month of August alone we delivered 19 different talks to almost 200 audience members on topics including cancer, nutrition, safe sex practices, water and sanitation, women's issues, and birth assistance.

Another very exciting event will be happening Friday, September 21st in the village of Iltilal, when we will be launching a Cervical Cancer Screening Campaign.  Residents can come and be screened at any time, but in an effort to get it into the public consciousness we have been heavily advertising this date and are trying to get as many women tested as possible.  Early detection is the easiest way to catch cervical cancer and prevent it from worsening; with regular screenings this can truly save lives and improve the health of women all over the Kuku Group Ranch.


And finally, we installed a solar panel at the Langata dispensary (shown above) that allows for many more patients to be screened after dark and boosts the morale of the nursing staff.  The panel provides light and charges during the day, then uses this stored energy to give hours of power after the sun sets.  With this kind of continued sustainable development we will be able to continue to expand our program and our mission.  Thanks for all the support!