Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Education Program Update - Kanzi Academy is Back!

Welcome back to the second half term 2 at the Kanzi Academy!

We have all returned in good spirits and full of joy - ready to learn, have fun, and contribute to our immediate environment, and learn ways of living that will affect and improve the future of our planet.

Here at Kanzi Academy the fundamental teaching is incredibly important. Every child should have a firm foundation on which to build his or her educational future. However, here at KA, we beleive that each and every child also has the right to learning with integrity. By that, mean that learning has to be applicable to life, holistic, and purposeful.

As teachers, we need to show the children "the way". We give them tools for learning... but not everyone hits the nail with a hammer the way! Therefore, our "leaders of tomorrow" have to hone their skills and learn that there are many different strategies that can be used to solve any given problem. The delight, as a teacher, is in observing the processes and choices the children use to get there.

This half term is a short one at Kanzi Academy. I do not want to say that this half term is "packed with all the usual learning"... I would rather say it is "packed with all of the unusual learning". Let's be different; let's break the mould!

Stay tuned to the blog for more updates and pictures to follow! Karibu tena!

- Head Teacher Sarah

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