Monday, September 15, 2014

Conservation Program Update - MWCT Rangers Go Digital!

MWCT Community Rangers have been pioneers in working with the SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool) conservation software for over a year. The implementation of systematic patrol planning, data collection, reporting and evaluation has improved ranger effectiveness significantly. A larger area has been covered by ranger patrols, the relationship with the community has improved, resulting in more information sharing regarding illegal activities and hence leading to a higher number of arrests. At the same time, charcoal burning and forest destruction decreased and poaching activity remained very limited on the group ranch. Elsewhere in Kenya poaching activity has increased tremendously in the same period and forest destruction is still a big issue.

MWCT Conservation Program Ranger Force
Currently, MWCT Community Rangers are further increasing their effectiveness by using Nexus 7 tablets (donated to us by Google) and a specific data collection application. This allows the rangers to improve the quality and accuracy of their collected data and do away with the more time consuming and complicated paper-based system. An easy pictogram based system is used to even allow illiterate rangers to operate the tablet!

Community Ranger utilizes the new innovative application on his tablet!
At this point, one ranger sector is fully trained and the one-week pilot is a big success! Soon training will be organized to introduce the digital data collection system to our entire ranger force. In this way, MWCT remains one of the leading ranger organizations in Kenya when it comes to ranger effectiveness and the use of new technologies!

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