Health Program has been continuing its good work of late, with several exciting new developments. Some of the best news we received recently was the donation of a large number of medical supplies! Health Coordinator
Lena Koh visited Toronto's Sunnybrook Hospital while on holiday and spoke with officials in the biomedical engineering department about MWCT's mission, and they were happy to help in any way they could.
Assorted of donated medical supplies from Sunnybrook Hospital's Biomedical Engineering Department in New York. |
Sunnybrook was extremely generous, offering MWCT anything we desired from their surplus and misordered equipment. Lena brought back a full suitcase of much-needed supplies, including surgical instruments and trays, stethoscopes, resuscitators, scalpels, speculums, nebulizers, wound dressings, hand sanitizer, gloves, and more. Finally, the hospital offered to continue their aid in the future, and we will be receiving more shipments of these extremely needed items.
Lena discussing a collaboration with MWCT's Health Program with employees at Sunnybrook Hospital. |
In other news, our new staff member at the Langata Dispensary has continued to expand the clinic's services since he began working earlier this year. As a Clinical Officer, Wanyama sees patients with varying complaints, offers vaccines to children from the area, assists with outreaches by MWCT's Health team, and much more. In only a couple months of work he has already helped the government nurse provide much more care than in past quarters, and we're excited to have him aboard as part of the MWCT team.