The Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust is pleased to report on some exciting news that has evolved over the past few months as a result of an exciting collaboration. The organization
New Course has donated
300 portable solar lanterns (produced by MPOWERED) to MWCT.
New Course is an organization seeking to empower women around the world through innovative programs in "conservation, sustainability, and poverty alleviation".
Conservation Manager, Lana Muller, and well as MWCT Outreach Officer, Joseph Lariumbe,
together with the one of the women's groups from Iltilal |
The lights, named "Luci Lights" are elegant, light-weight, maintenance free, and waterproof solar lights that are easy-to-use, and of high quality!
Demonstration of how the lights work and how to best care for them |
The distribution of the donation will be to
women's groups across Kuku Group Ranch. Currently, most Maasai women are buying kerosene for lighting in their homes. Not only is this an expensive investment, it is also very damaging and harmful to their health of the family living inside the home.
The women receiving their lights and testing them out! |
The women are given the offer to receive a Luci Light, if they agree to contribute
50% of the money that they will save on fuel on a monthly basis, to the women groups. This money will be used by the group to start their own
enterprise (ie. selling beads, purchasing energy efficient cooking stoves, etc.)
MWCT has organized meetings with
7 women's groups of 5 different villages on Kuku Group Ranch to introduce the lights to the community. The villages visited thus far have been: Iltilal, Kuku, Langata, Olorike, and Ilchalai.
Very grateful for their lights! |
There is tremendous
enthusiasm amongst the women in the communities across Kuku Group Ranch that have taken part in this project thus far. The lights are benefiting them in
sustainable and
tangible ways; mothers can breast feed at night, children are able to study at home in the evening, and health benefits are improving as they are not producing smoke such as their kerosene lamps.
Women testing out their lights |
These lamps have helped thousands of people around the world, and are now having a wonderfully positive impact on the Maasai community of Kuku Group Ranch.
Further, the lights have also been distributed to 8 MWCT Community Ranger sectors. Each sector has received two lights to improve their living conditions and promote the light project in the community. The rangers are all very positive about the change with the lights, and many have request to get a Luci Light for their wife at home. Any woman part of a women's group on Kuku Group Ranch will have the opportunity to purchase a light.
The Treasurer of one of the Iltilal Women's Group counting their savings |
Please visit MPOWERED's website at to learn more about these solar lights. We look forward to continue to update you on the progress of the distribution of these lights!
Luci Solar Lights distribution across Kuku Group Ranch. Orange Luci Lights pictograms show locations of women group Luci Lights project; Green Luci Light pictograms show position of ranger teams with Luci Lights.