Thursday, November 7, 2013

Equator Initiative Case Study Published

In 2012, the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust was awarded the United Nations Development Program Equator Prize.

The purpose of the UNDP Equator Initiative was to address a gap in knowledge mobilization of many untold stories. Many communities worldwide are contributing to innovation in sustainable developments for their populations and for the ecosystems sustaining them. There was an addressed lack of official publications that told the stories of these community initiatives, how they evolve, and what impacts they have made on the greater population and the wilderness and wildlife.

MWCT was marked as one of these "best-practices" for the purpose of community-based conservation and for providing sustainable livelihoods to local people.

Very recently, all of these prizewinners have had detailed "Best Practice Case Studies" written about them. These have been published on the Equator Initiative webpage, and we encourage you to take a look at the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust Case Study!

Just click the image below and it will take you to an online PDF of the case study.

This document provides very succinct and detailed descriptions of the Trust, focusing on our "local sustainable developments for people, nature, and communities".

You can also take a look at the provided link to the Equator Initiative Database - this database contains case studies from the 152 successful communities organizations that have been awarded the Equator Prize for the past 11 years worldwide.

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