Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Founder listed among Africa's 25 Top Conservationists

Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust founder, Luca Belpietro was selected among top conservationists in Africa to be features in the most recent issue of Departures Magazine! The article speaks to the Top 25 Conservationists that had been mentioned when interviewing travel agents, journalists, development workers, and environmentalists for the magazine - and more specifically for this current issue which is focused on Safaris and Africa.

Please find the article by clicking here

Success is being celebrated on all accounts for our founder, as he is next headed to Geneva, Switzerland to visit Le Rosey school. He will be giving a TEDx talk themed around "Great Expectations" to an audience of approximately 600 people.

We will keep our readers updated on the potential viewing of this TEDx talk online!

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