The past months have been exciting ones here at the MWCT
Health Program, as we continue our outreaches to all the communities of Kuku Group Ranch. Recently we've been able to visit Olorika, Kuku, Oltiasika, Dip, and Langata Villages. Most villages we try to visit once per month, though in Kuku Village we aim for twice per month.
Lena meets with a group of CHWs in Langata Village. |
During our
outreaches we meet with community members and often provide limited medical services and examinations. We set up an outpatient clinic and dispense deworming medicine to children, as well as offering antenatal care and immunization clinics. In November we partnered with Kenya's Ministry of Public Health to immunize over 750 children against the measles, and our trachoma campaign in December reached more than 3,400 Maasai.
Oltiasika CHWs prepare for an outreach by organizing supplies. |
Each region's Community Health Workers (CHWs) are an invaluable part of our outreaches, working with us before and during the day to ensure a successful event. Before MWCT's staff arrives, they publicize the outreach throughout their communities, often going door-to-door to spread the news. They also secure a meeting place, organize supplies, and alert us to any special needs. At the event itself, they organize attendees, help with evaluations, and arrange for any necessary follow-up actions.
Steve works with CHWs in Olorika to map bomas in their area using Google Earth. |
We've also been using the outreaches to continue our
mapping of bomas (household clusters) on Kuku, so that we have a better sense of where people live and how the CHWs can distribute their efforts to best reach everyone. The Community Health Workers really enjoy seeing their villages on Google Earth, and are able to quickly group and identify visible
bomas. By having one MWCT staff member work with the CHWs on this mapping while the others conduct the outreach, a single day's work can be extremely productive. We plan to continue these successful community outreaches throughout the upcoming months, and continue to improve access to healthcare for all the Maasai of Kuku Group Ranch
Our nurse Sam administers immunizations to children in Dip Villlage. |
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