Sam giving a talk on cervical cancer during an Oltiasika outreach. |
Health Program has stayed busy since we last posted -- lots of exciting work going on all over Kuku Group Ranch! In the months after the rainy season we've made great progress with our village outreaches, having successful ones each month and starting a new 3-day outreach program in which our nurse Sam and lab technician Felix spend 3 days each month at our 2 primary clinics around Kuku Group Ranch that don't have regular MWCT staffing.
Sam explains a self-breast exam to women in Oltiasika while government nurse Peter demonstrates. |
During their 3 days at each clinic they provide cancer screenings for women in the area, family planning sessions, immunizations for children, lab work and testing, and shorter outreaches to smaller surrounding villages with no health facilities at all. They also give talks to the community on the importance of testing, hygiene, deworming for children, and many other topics. Finally, they work with the local Community Health Workers to ensure the care provided during the rest of the month is as good as possible.
Sam and Felix with Olorika Community Health Worker Daniel. |
We initiated this program in June by sending Sam and Felix to both Olorika and Oltiasika for 3 days each; it was very well received by the communities. In addition to performing operations and testing, Sam made a point to teach the government nurses how to perform the tasks and they did very well.
Olorika CHW Daniel checking in on the chickens. |
In Olorika we also helped with the Community Health Workers' income-generating project, raising chickens. The money generated by selling the chickens will help purchase small supplies to allow the CHWs to be as useful as possible. Every day we're working to make
MWCT more useful to the surrounding Maasai community!