Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Education Program Update - Sharing Inspired Stories

Tiffany Franke visited Campi ya Kanzi and the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust on behalf of the United Nations Development Program. During her visit here on Kuku Group Ranch, she was inspired greatly by the efforts of MWCT, its' programs, the staff, and the local Maasai community members.

Tiffany eloquently gives both praise and understanding to the works and efforts of the Trust and Campi ya Kanzi in her video and posts that she has published on her blog. During her stay with us, Tiffany was witness to all of the programs offered through MWCT, but states that she was most impressed and influenced by the actions of our Education Program - more specifically the Kanzi Academy.

Kanzi Academy students on a walk in the Chyulu's with Tiffany
The Kanzi Academy is a very important project that is contained within out MWCT Education Program. Kanzi Academy, a private boarding school run by the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust, has chosen the most talented students from Kuku Group Ranch to attend. The Academy commits to exposing these students to educational opportunities that not entirely available to many other children living on the Group Ranch.

The Academy instills in its' students the importance that should be laid on the local culture and its valuable environment it is contained within. As is stated in Tiffany's video provided here, "the Kanzi Academy represents potential being recognized", and that "in order to have a successful community, you need to have good leaders rooted from good education" (quote by Antonella Bonomi).

Tiffany chose to share her story with us, and we are so happy that she did. 

Please follow the link below to hear Tiffany's story and her impressions of MWCT and Kanzi Academy during her time here in the Chyulu Hills:

You can also find blog postings that Tiffany chose to share about the Kanzi Academy students; as well as her thoughts on the Team at MWCT and Campi ya Kanzi.

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